項目范圍:Project scope區域范圍圖博鰲通道工程包括1.45公里的隧道照明、文化墻照明,南北岸及無名島園林景觀、南岸ASIA 景觀小品、通道管理中心、以培蘭大橋為代表的會址周邊橋梁等Boao channel project includes 1.45km tunnel lighting, culture wall lighting, North and south bank and nameless island landscape, Asia landscape sketch on the south bank, channel management center, bridges around the site represented by Peilan bridge, etc完成日景圖設計分析:瓊之印象Design analysis連綿的山巒層層的浪花提取…
第十二屆中國國際園博會將于2018年12月至2019年5月在廣西壯族自治區首府南寧市舉行,國內44個城市、東盟國家及“一帶一路”沿線國家19個城市參展The twelfth China International Garden Fair will be held in Nanning, capital of the Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region from December 2018 to May 2019, and will be exhibited in 44 cities, ASEAN countriesand 19 cities along the "one belt and one road".第十二屆中國國際園博會吉祥物項目范圍:Project range總體規劃圖12屆園博園建筑外立面燈光包括:1~6號門、…
項目的照明目標與定位Lighting target and orientation of the project 目標:形成與強化相對于其他同類項目差異化特征,強化商業氣氛、吸引人群、間接為項目帶來增值定位:燈光不用過于炫耀、花哨與新奇,而在于持久的吸引力和在整個空間布局的合理利用Objective: to form and strengthen the differentiation characteristics compared with other similar projects, strengthen the business atmosphere, attract people and indirectly bring value to the projectPositioning: the lighting should not be too ostentatious…
設計分析:Design analysi 設計主題:“光之門”結合建筑結構設計構思中把建筑與光聯系在一起。通過燈光設計手法賦予建筑寓意;“光之門”意以文化之光、科技之光、時尚之光展現建筑的世界之門。通過夜間光與影的對比,展現建筑的特有結構。Design theme: "gate of light"Combining with the architectural structure design idea, the architecture and light are linked together. Through the light design technique, the architecture is given the meaning; "light gate" means to show the world gat…
| 設計分析design analysis建筑立面燈光設計由點開始詮釋建筑整體的輪廓,營造出若隱若現的美感。再由點成線,延展開來——時而柔美溫和,時而強勁有力,增添建筑的豐富感。 The lighting design of the building facade interpretation the over all outline of the building from the point of view, creating a looming beauty. It is then dotted and stretched out -- sometimes soft and gentle, sometimes strong and powerful,adding to the richness of the building.杭州古典美與法式風情美的糅合,造就別樣的美感。Ha…
項目范圍:Project scope項目共計10棟建筑住宅和2棟高層寫字樓組成,住宅總建筑面積343306平方米設計表現圖設計分析:自然Design analysis提取光線和水滴的自然形態,用燈光附著于建筑夜間的表皮,采用節能綠色照明器具,以表達建筑的綠色自然,和周圍環境的和諧融合項目實施分析Project implementation analysis總平分布圖項目分為4個地塊,地塊之間為城市通車次干道,為考慮夜間樓與樓之間的相互影響和工程造價問題,選擇了主要的可視面進行了照明7#、10#樓類型設計表現圖節點圖完成實景圖2#、3#、5#、8#建筑類型設計表現圖節點…
設計分析design analysis 燈光設計根據建筑設計理念進行展開,以江南水鄉水文化和杭州絲綢文化展開設計,取水滴元素融合絲綢的特質,通過燈光展現絲綢柔美的韻律、流暢的建筑線條,使得整個建筑在夜間律動,形成一種動態美。The lighting design is carried out according to the architectural design concept. The design is based on the water culture of Jiangnan Water Town and Hangzhou silk culture. The water drop element is taken to integrate the characteristics of silk. Through the lighting, the soft rhyt…
設計分析:Design analysi設計理念: l 典雅時尚:整體統一、細節精致、重點突出的照明效果,使得建筑在夜晚光的作用下優雅迷人;l 動靜相宜、親和有序:用變化的色彩,錯落有致的線條突出當季流行色,營造親和活潑的歡迎氣氛,引導消費;Design concept:l Elegant and fashionable: the overall unity, fine details and outstanding lighting effect make the building elegant and charming under the effect of night light;l appropriate movement and order: highlight the current seasons popular colors with changing …
設計分析Design Analysis 寧波東部銀泰城燈光結合建筑的呈現效果,利用充滿動態及現代品味的流線燈管設計,組合出完全開敞的空間形式,使建筑的夜景與周圍的環境之間成為一個有機的結合體。The lighting of Yintai City in the east of Ningbo, combined with the effect of the building, combines the fully open form of the space with the use of streamlined lighting design full of dynamic and modern taste, the night view of the building and the surrounding environment become an organic combination.設計效果表…
設計分析Design analysis淘寶城做有態度的商業、有溫度的體驗,表現智慧商業綜合體的繁華與酒店住宅的高端典雅Taobao City wisdom is a business with attitude and a warm experience, which shows the prosperity of the smart business complex and the high-end elegance of the hotel residence設計效果表現圖1設計效果表現圖2項目實施分析Project implementation analysis完成實景圖黃昏建筑外立面穿空鋁板結構,為了不影響建筑白天外立面視覺效果,燈具獨立附著在幕墻后,夜間通過控制系統整個立面動態變化效果,并實現與…
項目定位:Project Location 項目定位為豐富市民休閑娛樂生活,提升寶龍廣場的社會價值,公共利益及文化品味。 The project aims to enrich the leisure life of the public and enhance the social value, public interest and cultural taste of the plaza.設計分析:“城市之門”Design analysis “千年古鎮,百年商埠”,悠久的歷史賦予了佛堂古鎮濃郁的文化氣息;晨曦的第一道霞光與黃昏落日的余暉,大自然藝術地呈現給我們光與影的畫卷;“光之門”意以文化之光、科技之光、時尚之光展現建筑的世界之門。 "Thousand-y…
建筑分析:building analysis 基地建筑由1幢超高樓主樓和3幢商業辦公樓,及3幢高層住宅樓組成,整體造型簡潔方正,外立面以玻璃幕墻為主,給人一種挺拔,力量感。燈光的要求:精確把握照明整個區域的位,明確合適的亮度和變化方式。1號樓標志建筑用為重要節點考慮,同時注意與其他建筑泛光上的配合 From 1 super-high building Lord building base building and three commercial office building, and 3 of high-rise residential buildings, overall modelling concise founder, fa? Ade is given priority to with glass cur…
設計分析:Design analysis塔樓外立面設計結合“水”的概念,在局部通過折面表現“水波紋”的韻律感,并結合整體效果高低起伏,突出層次;裙樓建筑布局以杭州 ? 本規劃地的“identity”——運河 ? 歷史文化街區為概念,旨在打造一處吸引客戶的“水流”形態商業。The facade design of the tower combines the concept of "water" to show the rhythmic sense of "water ripple" through the folding surface in some parts, and combines with the overall effect of ups and downs to highlight the leve…
項目范圍Project scope項目現有26幢高層公寓、4幢聯排別墅及101戶商業,占地面積190933平方米。The project consists of 26 high rise apartments, 4 townhouses and 101 commercial units, covering an area of 190933 square meters. 設計分析:Design Analysis以橫向面光為秩序肌理反復運用、規律變化突出其序列感、整體感,在局部進行變化設計,使建筑在整體中不乏靈動,形成一種平衡的力量之美,引導整體節奏的產生并形成城市空間的標志性。The transversal light is used as the order texture repeatedly, the regular ch…
項目分析:Project analysisG20莫干山路“百年國道”上演“夜太美” G20 Moganshan Road "Centennial National Road" staged "night is too beautiful"莫干山路是貫穿杭州南北的重要交通干線,歷史悠久,承載眾多,有著很多關于這個城市的記憶,感染著很多人對這個古老街區的情感。如今的莫干山路搖身變成了一個時尚街區,展現著自己獨特而現代的風情,將莫干山路打造成“杭州北部都市風情帶,杭州工業記憶第一路”。經過半年的整治,“百年國道”莫干山路華麗變身,開始上演“夜太美”。 Moganshan Road is…
項目定位:Project Location 項目定位為金華第一城市門戶,廣場在夜景中得到濃縮提煉,讓人因到過金華火車站而記住金華。 The project is positioned as the gateway of the first city of jinhua, and the square is concentrated and refined in the night scene, so that people can remember jinhua after visiting jinhua railway station.設計分析:Design analysis望山“尖峰山” 見水 “婺江水” 星空之眼 山水星綻:水:聚氣,五行實無系于龍家,禍福需取明于水路。未看山時先看水,水…
設計分析Design Analysis 通過蘭考的定位和未來的發展方向。燈光設計的目標定位為:充滿時代感的現代都市夜景氣氛;光影律動變化豐富的城市夜晚;表現生態平和生命活力的夜間照明;通過多種類的混合照明技術烘托當地文化。Through Lankao Countys positioning and future direction. The goal of lighting design is: The atmosphere of modern city night scene full of the sense of the times; the city night with rich light and shadow rhythm; Through a variety of hybrid lighting technology to highlight the local c…
設計分析Design Analysis 寧波東部銀泰城燈光結合建筑的呈現效果,利用充滿動態及現代品味的流線燈管設計,組合出完全開敞的空間形式,使建筑的夜景與周圍的環境之間成為一個有機的結合體。The lighting of Yintai City in the east of Ningbo, combined with the effect of the building, combines the fully open form of the space with the use of streamlined lighting design full of dynamic and modern taste, the night view of the building and the surrounding environment become an organic combination.設計效果表…
設計分析Design analysis淘寶城做有態度的商業、有溫度的體驗,表現智慧商業綜合體的繁華與酒店住宅的高端典雅Taobao City wisdom is a business with attitude and a warm experience, which shows the prosperity of the smart business complex and the high-end elegance of the hotel residence設計效果表現圖1設計效果表現圖2項目實施分析Project implementation analysis完成實景圖黃昏建筑外立面穿空鋁板結構,為了不影響建筑白天外立面視覺效果,燈具獨立附著在幕墻后,夜間通過控制系統整個立面動態變化效果,并實現與…
項目定位:Project Location 項目定位為豐富市民休閑娛樂生活,提升寶龍廣場的社會價值,公共利益及文化品味。 The project aims to enrich the leisure life of the public and enhance the social value, public interest and cultural taste of the plaza.設計分析:“城市之門”Design analysis “千年古鎮,百年商埠”,悠久的歷史賦予了佛堂古鎮濃郁的文化氣息;晨曦的第一道霞光與黃昏落日的余暉,大自然藝術地呈現給我們光與影的畫卷;“光之門”意以文化之光、科技之光、時尚之光展現建筑的世界之門。 "Thousand-y…
建筑分析:building analysis 基地建筑由1幢超高樓主樓和3幢商業辦公樓,及3幢高層住宅樓組成,整體造型簡潔方正,外立面以玻璃幕墻為主,給人一種挺拔,力量感。燈光的要求:精確把握照明整個區域的位,明確合適的亮度和變化方式。1號樓標志建筑用為重要節點考慮,同時注意與其他建筑泛光上的配合 From 1 super-high building Lord building base building and three commercial office building, and 3 of high-rise residential buildings, overall modelling concise founder, fa? Ade is given priority to with glass cur…
設計分析:Design analysis塔樓外立面設計結合“水”的概念,在局部通過折面表現“水波紋”的韻律感,并結合整體效果高低起伏,突出層次;裙樓建筑布局以杭州 ? 本規劃地的“identity”——運河 ? 歷史文化街區為概念,旨在打造一處吸引客戶的“水流”形態商業。The facade design of the tower combines the concept of "water" to show the rhythmic sense of "water ripple" through the folding surface in some parts, and combines with the overall effect of ups and downs to highlight the leve…
項目的照明目標與定位Lighting target and orientation of the project 目標:形成與強化相對于其他同類項目差異化特征,強化商業氣氛、吸引人群、間接為項目帶來增值定位:燈光不用過于炫耀、花哨與新奇,而在于持久的吸引力和在整個空間布局的合理利用Objective: to form and strengthen the differentiation characteristics compared with other similar projects, strengthen the business atmosphere, attract people and indirectly bring value to the projectPositioning: the lighting should not be too ostentatious…
| 設計分析design analysis建筑立面燈光設計由點開始詮釋建筑整體的輪廓,營造出若隱若現的美感。再由點成線,延展開來——時而柔美溫和,時而強勁有力,增添建筑的豐富感。 The lighting design of the building facade interpretation the over all outline of the building from the point of view, creating a looming beauty. It is then dotted and stretched out -- sometimes soft and gentle, sometimes strong and powerful,adding to the richness of the building.杭州古典美與法式風情美的糅合,造就別樣的美感。Ha…
項目范圍:Project scope項目共計10棟建筑住宅和2棟高層寫字樓組成,住宅總建筑面積343306平方米設計表現圖設計分析:自然Design analysis提取光線和水滴的自然形態,用燈光附著于建筑夜間的表皮,采用節能綠色照明器具,以表達建筑的綠色自然,和周圍環境的和諧融合項目實施分析Project implementation analysis總平分布圖項目分為4個地塊,地塊之間為城市通車次干道,為考慮夜間樓與樓之間的相互影響和工程造價問題,選擇了主要的可視面進行了照明7#、10#樓類型設計表現圖節點圖完成實景圖2#、3#、5#、8#建筑類型設計表現圖節點…
設計分析design analysis 燈光設計根據建筑設計理念進行展開,以江南水鄉水文化和杭州絲綢文化展開設計,取水滴元素融合絲綢的特質,通過燈光展現絲綢柔美的韻律、流暢的建筑線條,使得整個建筑在夜間律動,形成一種動態美。The lighting design is carried out according to the architectural design concept. The design is based on the water culture of Jiangnan Water Town and Hangzhou silk culture. The water drop element is taken to integrate the characteristics of silk. Through the lighting, the soft rhyt…
項目范圍Project scope項目現有26幢高層公寓、4幢聯排別墅及101戶商業,占地面積190933平方米。The project consists of 26 high rise apartments, 4 townhouses and 101 commercial units, covering an area of 190933 square meters. 設計分析:Design Analysis以橫向面光為秩序肌理反復運用、規律變化突出其序列感、整體感,在局部進行變化設計,使建筑在整體中不乏靈動,形成一種平衡的力量之美,引導整體節奏的產生并形成城市空間的標志性。The transversal light is used as the order texture repeatedly, the regular ch…
項目范圍:Project scope區域范圍圖博鰲通道工程包括1.45公里的隧道照明、文化墻照明,南北岸及無名島園林景觀、南岸ASIA 景觀小品、通道管理中心、以培蘭大橋為代表的會址周邊橋梁等Boao channel project includes 1.45km tunnel lighting, culture wall lighting, North and south bank and nameless island landscape, Asia landscape sketch on the south bank, channel management center, bridges around the site represented by Peilan bridge, etc完成日景圖設計分析:瓊之印象Design analysis連綿的山巒層層的浪花提取…
第十二屆中國國際園博會將于2018年12月至2019年5月在廣西壯族自治區首府南寧市舉行,國內44個城市、東盟國家及“一帶一路”沿線國家19個城市參展The twelfth China International Garden Fair will be held in Nanning, capital of the Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region from December 2018 to May 2019, and will be exhibited in 44 cities, ASEAN countriesand 19 cities along the "one belt and one road".第十二屆中國國際園博會吉祥物項目范圍:Project range總體規劃圖12屆園博園建筑外立面燈光包括:1~6號門、…
項目分析:Project analysisG20莫干山路“百年國道”上演“夜太美” G20 Moganshan Road "Centennial National Road" staged "night is too beautiful"莫干山路是貫穿杭州南北的重要交通干線,歷史悠久,承載眾多,有著很多關于這個城市的記憶,感染著很多人對這個古老街區的情感。如今的莫干山路搖身變成了一個時尚街區,展現著自己獨特而現代的風情,將莫干山路打造成“杭州北部都市風情帶,杭州工業記憶第一路”。經過半年的整治,“百年國道”莫干山路華麗變身,開始上演“夜太美”。 Moganshan Road is…
項目定位:Project Location 項目定位為金華第一城市門戶,廣場在夜景中得到濃縮提煉,讓人因到過金華火車站而記住金華。 The project is positioned as the gateway of the first city of jinhua, and the square is concentrated and refined in the night scene, so that people can remember jinhua after visiting jinhua railway station.設計分析:Design analysis望山“尖峰山” 見水 “婺江水” 星空之眼 山水星綻:水:聚氣,五行實無系于龍家,禍福需取明于水路。未看山時先看水,水…
設計分析Design Analysis 通過蘭考的定位和未來的發展方向。燈光設計的目標定位為:充滿時代感的現代都市夜景氣氛;光影律動變化豐富的城市夜晚;表現生態平和生命活力的夜間照明;通過多種類的混合照明技術烘托當地文化。Through Lankao Countys positioning and future direction. The goal of lighting design is: The atmosphere of modern city night scene full of the sense of the times; the city night with rich light and shadow rhythm; Through a variety of hybrid lighting technology to highlight the local c…